Friday, January 14, 2011

The Art of Not Giving a Shit

As part of my absorption into this fine nation I need to learn to not give a shit. For example if you drop food on the flood in a shopping centre, don't pick it up or everyone will know you're a chutznik (lit. Outsider, i.e. not from Israel). Asking if you can use a restaurants toilet without buying something also makes you a chutnik. If you need to spit don't swallow it, go right ahead! Let is out! Also,. don't wait in lines, you were here first! And finally, using full sentences can also make you look like a chutznik don't ask in your perfect Hebrew "excuse me, is this the bus that I take to the centre of the city?" rather just say in a mumble "City Centre?". In fact the less words you say the better; "toilet?", "Movies?", "Single?" etc. you get the picture. Basically all I need to learn in Ulpan are nouns, no need to work on conjunctions, or conjugations, let's leave full sentences for the bible.

Israel is really great, spent two days chilling with the hipsters of Tel Aviv (TA), they don't sell picklebacks (an independent drink consisting of a shot of whisky followed by a shot of pickle brine, created in Brooklyn but perfected in Sydney)but they do sell 'arak-ashkoliot (licorice spirit with grapefruit juice) which I recon s the equivalent coz I received a nod of acceptance from the pierced fellow behind the counter. YAY Acceptance

About Me

Jerusalem, Israel
A Sydney born yid whose youth movement involvment led him to take the plunge and make Aliyah (migrate to Israel). Has a keen intrest in biblical exegesis and dancing like no one's watching